Advanced Warfare - Weapons - Submachine Guns
SMGs are fast moving CQC beasts. They are built for short-range firefights and high mobility.
Submachine guns have good base movement speed, fast ADS times, good hipfire spread, and high rates of fire. This makes them work best on maps that have more short-range encounters than medium- to long-range ones.

Fully automatic with the longest range in its class. The first five rounds of each magazine deal increased damage.

Fully automatic with the highest mobility in its class.

Fully automatic with the highest damage in its class. Firing over time increases accuracy and lowers fire rate.

Fully automatic with the best accuracy in its class. The first three rounds of a burst fire faster.

Fully automatic with the highest fire rate in its class. Akimbo only.

Fires five-round bursts and has the best handling in its class. Supports underbarrel attachments.