Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is the next installment in the Call of Duty series and is being developed by Treyarch. The game will be released on the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC on Friday, November 6, 2015 - unofficially dubbed as the new "Black Friday".
The game's single player campaign is a sequel to Black Ops 2, while the multiplayer and zombies are their own unique game modes. Treyarch is calling black ops 3's multiplayer the deepest and most ambitious Call of Duty MP experience ever. Advanced Warfare players should feel right at home in Black Ops 3 with the new power slides, boost jumps and wall running. Some of the energy-based weapons have been removed from the full black ops 3 weapons list in favor of more traditional Assault Rifles and LMGs.
The boost jumps in Black Ops 3 function similarly to Advanced Warfare's, but they are smoother and can be chained more easily. The chain-based movement system can be enhanced with the wide range of black ops 3 perks like Afterburner and Blast Suppressor. The Scorestreaks in the game don't have modules like in COD: AW, instead some black ops 3 scorestreaks have features like the "Wingman" module, which allows teammates to help out by taking control of secondary turrets.
The fan favorite Nuketown 2025 has returned and it's been redesigned from the ground up to use the new momentum-based movement system. Like its predecessor, you can find nuk3town in your black ops 3 maps list by pre-ordering the game for the PS4, Xbox One or PC. While NUK3TOWN has received a much needed face-lift, the Zombies Mode is also back with a fresh take on the zombie apocalypse, featuring its own story and XP-based progression system. Players can find all their favorite perk-a-cola machines in black ops 3 zombies, with each drink giving players perks to help them survive and fend off the zombie hordes.
PC Minimum System Requirements Released
October 21, 2014

Advanced Warfare's official Steam page has been updated with the minimum system requirements needed to run the game. Compared to last year's Ghosts, the requirements haven't changed that much, but the quality of the graphics sure have.
Minimum System Requirements:
OS: | Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 64-bit (32-bit not supported) | |
Processor: | Intel Core i3 2.90 GHz / AMD Phenom X4 810 2.60 GHz or better. | |
Memory: | 6GB RAM | |
Graphics: | NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 1GB / AMD Radeon HD 5870 1GB or better. | |
DirectX: | Version 11 |
The PC version also comes with an option to change the FOV (field of vision) from 65 to 90. Ironically, this would be the very same in-game option that took nearly 3 months to be added to COD: Ghosts via a patch.
Advanced Warfare Gameplay Launch Trailer
October 18, 2014

With only a little over 2 weeks left before the game hits the stores, Activision has finally released the official launch trailer for the game. The trailer features a mixture of singleplayer and multiplayer footage accompanied with a single by The Raconteurs.
Check it out below.
Sniper Rifles Are Not Going to Be Overpowered - Quick-Scoping Removed?
October 14, 2014

During an interview with 3 News NZ, Sledgehammer Games' co-founder Michael Condrey confirmed that they have made the Sniper class in the game more balanced, when compared to previous titles in the series.
Although sniper rifles can one-shot an enemy, Condrey said that they are not going to be overpowered. Mastering a sniper rifle in COD: AW requires the same dedication and skill as with other weapon classes. Condrey heavily emphasized that they have removed attachments that allow sniper rifles to be quick-drawn, which hints that quick-scoping has been somewhat removed from the game.
And to make things more balanced, the new Exo Abilities, like boost jumping and dodging, allow players to move faster than ever before, which should put pressure on even the most proficient sniper.
Zombies to Be Featured in Exo Survival
October 14, 2014

Advanced Warfare's latest Xbox achievement update has accidently revealed that Treyarch's zombies will be guest starring in the game's Exo Survival co-op mode. As you can see from the image above, some of the zombies are wearing exosuits.
Exo Survivor Achievement: "Successfully complete the Exo Survival Bonus Wave."
It should be noted that the zombies are a bonus wave on the Riot multiplayer map and will most likely not be seen in a separate game mode. Treyarch's next Call of Duty game on the other hand...
Xbox One Version Available for Preload
October 10, 2014

Microsoft has revealed today that COD: AW for the Xbox One can now be pre-ordered and pre-downloaded ahead of the games release. Preloading the game, as the name suggests, downloads a majority of the game's files beforehand, which then allows you to jump straight into the action once the game is released.
As a friendly warning, if you are going to purchase the digital copy, start preloading the game as soon as possible - it clocks in at 45.84 GB. That would take nearly 3 days to download on a normal 2 Mbit connection.

Advanced Warfare Upgrade Plans Revealed
October 8, 2014

Activision has officially announced that all Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game, that are bought digitally, will receive a free upgrade to the next-gen version. The offer is valid until March 31, 2015 and works only on the same console family, i.e. Xbox 360 to Xbox One and PS3 to PS4.
All your multiplayer stats, gear, Season Pass and in-game DLC's are transferred / shared once you switch to the next-gen version. You can read more about the upgrade plans here.
Sony is also throwing in an added bonus for PlayStation users with their cross-buy program: Buy either the PS3 or PS4 version of Advanced Warfare on the PlayStation Store and you will receive the other version for free. Basically you will get both copies of the game regardless which version you buy, as long as the game is bought from the PlayStation Store before March 31, 2015.
New Official Videos Feature MP Medals and Scorestreak Modules
October 5, 2014

The Call of Duty website has been updated with new content, which in turn has revealed four new unlisted videos on the game's official Youtube channel. Two of the videos show how to earn the "Death From Above" and "Terminated" multiplayer medals, while the last two videos feature some of the different modules the Remote Turret can be equipped with.
Check out the videos by clicking on the links below.
MP Medals:
Scorestreak Modules:
Remote Turret: Directed Energy
Remote Turret: Rippable + Rockets + Sentry
Advanced Warfare "Traffic" Singleplayer Mission Revealed
October 3, 2014

IGN has released a new video featuring an exclusive look at the "Traffic" singleplayer mission, that's talked through by Glen Schofield. The 3 minute video below shows off a high-speed chase on the Lagos Highway where you jump from car to car to engage KVA terrorists.
AW News Roundup
October 3, 2014

Michael Condrey has confirmed on Twitter that the game will ship with 14 maps. One of the maps, Atlas Gorge, is a Collector's Edition pre-order bonus, but it's now also confirmed to be included in the Season Pass.
@MichaelCondrey: "@AW_FanPage 13 maps plus Atlas Gorge via the collectors edition or season pass at launch."
Condrey also revealed that items earned from Supply Drops carry over when you Prestige, but custom weapons need to have their base weapon unlocked before they can be used. For example, if you have the SAC3 "Misery & Company" submachine gun and Prestige after reaching rank 50, you will need to unlock the standard SAC3 before the custom "Misery & Company" can be used.
@MichaelCondrey: "@BlugMax @Cullacita and unlock your base weapons again before you can use your weapon loot after prestiging."
Speaking of Supply Drops, check out IGN's montage below to see some of the random gear you can earn in the game.
The Emblem Editor Returns in COD: AW
September 27, 2014

Sledgehammer Games has officially confirmed that the Emblem Editor is returning in Advanced Warfare. Your Emblem will appear on your exoskeleton, Virtual Lobby and in multiplayer matches for everyone to gaze at.
Michael Condrey also confirmed on Twitter, after being asked by a fan, that you will be able to add your custom Emblem to your weapon too.
@MiguelCa: "Will you be able to put your emblem on weapons too? @MichaelCondrey #AdvancedWarfareMP #EmblemEditorReturns #OnExotoo"
@MichaelCondrey: "@MiguelCa_ definitely"